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A Guide for Diabetic Foot Care

Why do diabetic people need to take care of their feet?

Many people think that managing diabetes means taking insulin to manage their blood sugar levels.  While this is true and extremely imperative, there are other serious health precautions to take when managing diabetes. People with diabetes must pay careful attention to their feet to avoid developing serious wounds that could lead to amputation.  This blog post will provide some pointers to help people with diabetes take care of their feet to keep them healthy. 


What is Peripheral Neuropathy? 

It is extremely important for people with diabetes to take good care of their feet. Over time, high blood sugar levels can injure the nerves in the legs and feet, also known as peripheral neuropathy. People can experience burning pain and sensitivity or they may lose all sensation so they cannot feel heat, cold or pain in their feet. Being pain free sounds appealing but people with neuropathy can seriously hurt their feet without knowing it. Small sores can quickly turn into serious foot infections and amputation may be required if gangrene develops. 


Never walk barefoot, even at home 

People with diabetes should always wear socks and closed-toe shoes or slippers to protect their feet from bumps, cuts and other injuries. It is very important to wear well-fitting shoes with socks to prevent blisters from forming on the feet, as these can also lead to serious infections. People with diabetes may want to consider having shoes fitted by a foot doctor (podiatrist) or other professional. Diabetics should check their feet every day for any cuts, red areas, swelling, corns, blisters, or irritation–this includes the top and bottom of each foot, as well as the ankle area. 


Keep the feet clean

The feet should be gently washed every day and blotted dry with a soft towel.  People with neuropathy may not be able to tell if the water is too hot so warm water is best. Lastly, people with diabetes should not soak their feet because waterlogged skin can break down and become infected. 



Moisturizer should be gently rubbed into the feet after washing in order to soften callused areas and soothe dry skin.  Some moisturizers can provide relief from the burning pain associated with peripheral neuropathy.  People with diabetes should avoid applying moisturizer between their toes because it will not dry and the damp skin can lead to a bacterial or yeast infection.  Foot Miracle Therapeutic Cream is quickly absorbed into the skin so that it never feels sticky or greasy. 



People with diabetes should wear socks that are specially designed to keep the feet dry, reduce the risk of injury, and promote blood circulation.  Diabetic socks are made without seams across the toe in order to reduce rubbing that could lead to blisters.The top bindings must be soft so that they do not restrict blood flow to the feet.  Dr. Comfort Diabetic Socks contain nano bamboo charcoal fibers that wick moisture away to help control odor and keep the feet dry.  

Diabetic patients have a lot to consider with their condition, but it can be made easy with all of the correct precautions. They should always wear socks and shoes or slippers to protect their feet and never walk barefoot. Foot checks, cleaning and moisturizing should be part of the daily routine. People with sweaty feet or poor circulation should wear diabetic socks. Any kind of foot problems like corns, calluses or ingrown toenails should be treated by a podiatrist.  Daily foot care is essential for people with diabetes to protect the feet and help reduce the risk of complications.

HomeCare Hospital Beds is ready to help people with diabetes stay healthy with diabetic testing supplies to help people keep their blood sugar levels within normal limits. Foot Miracle moisturizing cream and Dr. Comfort diabetic socks are also available. People should always check with their doctor before purchasing diabetes supplies.


**The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are having a severe and sudden change in physical or mental health, please call 911, contact a local emergency facility or consult with your doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider, and never disregard the advice given because of information you have received from our website.**


COVID-19 Delta Variant: How Contagious Is It?

Scientists believe that the COVID-19 Delta variant is the most contagious variant yet. The Delta variant is now responsible for approximately 90% of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. It drove record-breaking surges in India and is now the dominant strain for COVID-19 infections across the globe.  The virus is growing, and so is its ability to get around the body’s immune defenses.  

The World Health Organization (WHO) began monitoring the COVID-19 virus in January 2020. The variants had not arose or been publicly discussed at the beginning of the pandemic (though some speculated and correctly predicted). The WHO called these variants by the changes in their genetic sequences and are now identified by the letters of the Greek alphabet; the first four variants are called Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. These Variants of Concern (VOC) make the world population more at risk of increased sickness, fatality, and/or decreased vaccine effectiveness. 

How Do Viruses Mutate and Create Variants?  

A virus infects human cells and makes more copies of itself the longer that it exists–this is a virus’s purpose. The virus then continually creates copy errors, which are also known as mutations. These new characteristics change how the virus infects people and animals, causing more severe disease, becoming more contagious or even resistant to vaccines.  The surface of the virus looks different than the original version when mutations happen, ultimately making it detectable for scientists to discover. This is exactly why yearly vaccinations are needed for the flu because influenza viruses are continually changing. 

What are Viral Loads? 

A viral load is a measurement of how many viruses are currently in the body of an infected person and also how contagious a virus is. Scientists test for viral loads in COVID-19 by swabbing an infected person’s nose and throat. People with a high viral load are more likely to infect others with the virus. People who are infected with the Delta variant of COVID-19 have viral loads approximately 1,000 times higher than those who were infected with the initial strain. Research studies are suggesting that people infected with the Delta variant also reach their peak viral load faster.  This makes it easier for the infection to spread, even before people begin having symptoms.

Protecting Yourself Against the COVID-19 Delta Variant

Because the Delta variant is so contagious, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recently revised its recommendations for wearing masks in public spaces.  All Americans should resume wearing masks in indoor public spaces in regions where COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. This recommendation includes people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. All people who are immunocompromised or live with vulnerable household members should wear masks in indoor spaces.  The CDC also recommended that all students, teachers and staff at K-12 schools wear masks whether or not they are vaccinated. 


People need to have plenty of face masks to protect themselves and prevent spreading the COVID-19 Delta variant. DiaMedical USA has a wide variety of face masks ready to ship. 3-ply and KN95 face masks are in stock for adults and smaller-sized pediatric 3-ply masks for children.  NIOSH-approved N95 masks are in stock for healthcare professionals.  Disinfectant cleaners, gloves and touch-free thermometers are also ready to ship. Please visit the DiaMedical USA Infection Control page to see all of the products that are available. DiaMedical USA is working hard to provide customers with all of the resources to fight the spread of COVID-19 infection. For more information, reach out to a DiaMedical USA expert at 877-593-6011 or info@diamedicalusa.com.


5 Activities That Can Reduce Elderly Anxiety

5 Activities That Can Reduce Elderly Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health issue that 10%-20% of seniors deal with on a daily basis. It’s normal that once you reach the age of 60, body functions slow down or some people think about mortality more often – and ever since the 2020 pandemic hit, anxiety is more prominent than before. Fearful thoughts and worried minds are normal, and so is talking about it! Whatever the trigger of anxiety for you or your loved one may be, there are different options for coping so that each individual can find the thing that works best for them. 

Always consult with your doctor or caregiver before making any adjustments or changes to your daily routine. 


5 Activities That Can Reduce Elderly Anxiety:

  1. Games/Puzzles – For someone who’s retired, or has extra time on their hands, having a sense of purpose can distract them from anxious thoughts. A game gives an immediate purpose with a quick solution. For board games, consider Yahtzee, Chess, Bingo, and more. There are also puzzles with bigger pieces, which can be ideal for those with limited dexterity or vision impairment. Completing games can give instant gratification and a sense of accomplishment – which, believe me, puzzles aren’t easy!

  2. Calming Exercise – Physical activity, big or small, increases the endorphins throughout the brain and nervous system. It’s been scientifically proven that the release of this natural chemical relieves stress and pain throughout the body. Here are a few examples on how elderly people stay active, make sure you consult with your doctor regarding what activities or exercises are safe for you: 
    1. Daily Walks Outside 
    2. Breathing Exercises 
    3. Water Aerobics
    4. Chair Yoga

  3. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane – It is fun to tell stories about your life – funny moments, memories with loved ones, or perhaps a life changing experience. There are some people who don’t want to talk about old memories, so proper consent is always important. In either case, the simplest of questions can help bring joy: What’s their favorite animal? Do they have a favorite food? There are also questionnaires online about how to get to know someone better – these can easily spark up conversations while helping reduce anxiety.

  4. Entertainment – Music is said to release dopamine to the brain, which is a naturally occurring happy chemical. There are great classics out there, whether it be older music or movies. Revisiting the wonderful creations of their times can spark a lot of joy and bring back happy memories.

  5. Be an Open Ear – People with anxiety tend to talk a lot about it (often, repetitively). Sometimes, just being there to listen and acknowledge their thoughts can help them feel calm. Advice for those struggling with anxiety is not always recommended, so always ask if someone wants advice before giving any. 


The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are having a severe and sudden change in physical or mental health, please call 911, contact a local emergency facility or consult with your doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider, and never disregard the advice given because of information you have received from our website.

FSA, HSA & HRA Comparison and Differences

Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs), Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) can be great cost-savings tools. FSA and HSA accounts are funded by individuals while employers fund HRA accounts. These accounts allow money to be set aside on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses such as deductibles, prescriptions, and equipment/supplies.  People do not have to pay taxes on the money that they put into their FSA and HSA accounts. They can also choose from a wider range of options when selecting personal medical equipment.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

FSA accounts are set up and owned by employers; they come only as part of a benefits package and employees cannot start FSA accounts on their own. Some employers may decide to contribute to their employees’ FSA accounts but it is not required. The IRS limits the amount of money that employers can put into their FSA accounts. One person can have up to $2,750 per year and a family can have up to $5,300 per year. Money for an FSA account is deducted from each paycheck before taxes. No tax must be paid when the funds are used to pay for qualified medical expenses.  This helps people save money on healthcare costs, especially because FSA accounts can be used with any type of health insurance. People cannot keep their FSA accounts when they change jobs and start working for a new employer.   

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

HSA accounts are set up by people with high deductible health plans (HDHP).  HDHP health insurance is relatively inexpensive due to high deductibles and copays.  HSA accounts allow people to set aside money to pay for medical costs if they arise.  People must meet certain criteria to qualify for an HSA account.  An HDHP must be the person’s only health insurance plan and the person must not be eligible for Medicare.  The person also cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.

People may use pre-tax payroll deductions or direct payments to fund HSA accounts. Like FSAs, no tax is paid when funds are used to pay qualified medical expenses. The IRS limits the amount of money that people can put into their HSA accounts.  One person can have up to $3,600 per year and a family can have up to $7,200 per year.  Any unused money in an HSA account will roll over to the next year.  There is no time limit for accessing HSA funds.  The money in an HSA account will accrue interest over time so some people save the funds to use during retirement.  Because HSA accounts are owned by the individual, they are kept for life regardless of job changes. 

Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) 

HRA accounts are set up, owned, and funded by employers. HRA accounts are different from HSA and FSA accounts because they are paid for by employers rather than individuals.  The employer decides how much money will be added each year.  The employer also decides which medical expenses may be paid for by the HRA.  Some HRA accounts are designed to pay for dental and vision care that are not included in the company’s insurance plan.   People lose their HRA accounts when they change employers but sometimes funds are made available for retirement.  HRA accounts may be used with any type of health insurance, including HDHP plans and Medicare.  

FSA, HSA, and HRA Qualified Medical Expenses

People can use FSA, HSA, and HRA accounts to pay for many types of medical expenses.  The IRS determines which expenses are allowed for FSA and HSA accounts and the employer decides for HRA accounts.  Examples include: 



Allowed Not Allowed
Thermometers & Blood Pressure Monitors Contract Fees for Concierge Medical Practices
Hospital Beds & Mattresses Funeral Expenses
Shower Chairs & Bathroom Safety Aids Medicare Part A & B Premiums
Diabetes Testing Supplies Diabetes Testing Supplies
Wheelchairs, Walkers & Other Mobility Aids Babysitting for Healthy Infants & Children
Repair Costs for Medical Equipment Dancing & Swimming Lessons
Incontinence Supplies Warranties for Medical Equipment
Recliners with a Medical Diagnosis Union Dues
Shaving Club Memberships



FSA, HSA & HRA Comparison Chart

Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Savings Accounts
Health Reimbursement Accounts
Who owns the account? Employer Individual Individual
Who creates the account? Employer Individual Employer
Who puts $ into the account? Individual Individual Employer
Health Insurance Options Any High deductible only Any
Contribution Limits Up to $2,750 per Individual;
Up to $5,300 per Household
Up to $3,600 per Individual;
Up to $7,200 per Household
Determined by employer
Rollover Funds Any unused funds are lost with
job change or end of the year
Unused funds roll over to the
next year with no time limit
Determined by employer
Investment Options Cannot accrue interest Funds will grow with interest and
can be invested for retirement
Cannot accrue interest


How to Clean Up Accidents On a Mattress

Accidents happen from time to time.  It is important to know how to clean a wet mattress quickly and easily. Coffee or juice can be spilled on your mattress or rainwater from a leaky roof could get it wet. Pets and young children may wet the bed. Hurricanes or floods can leave the mattress soaking wet. Mattresses can become breeding grounds for mold, germs, and bed bugs if they remain wet for any period of time.  Acting quickly to dry the inner core will help reduce the damage and help salvage the mattress

How To Clean a Wet Mattress Easily after Spills and Accidents

Try to clean accidents while they are still fresh and wet. Water, juice, and coffee spills should be blotted dry right away with paper towels. They should be pressed down firmly to soak up any liquid that seeped under the mattress cover. Then a hairdryer should be waved over the wet area for 10-20 minutes.  The area should be allowed to cool completely before checking to ensure that it is dry.  

Urine spills are more likely to attract bugs and cause mold to grow inside the mattress.  These spills must be cleaned immediately to salvage the mattress.  After the bed linens are removed, paper towels should be used to absorb as much urine as possible.   Do not rub or scrub the wet area as this can push liquid further into the mattress. The next step is to neutralize the odor-causing bacteria that are present in urine. 

Mix equal parts white vinegar and water together and liberally spray the solution over the wet area of the mattress.  Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and it will help neutralize the urine smell.  As little liquid as possible should be used to clean an already-wet mattress.  Allow the solution to sit for 10-15 minutes and blot dry with more paper towels. 

Baking soda is then sprinkled over the entire soiled area to absorb liquids and neutralize odors.  The powder should sit for 8-10 hours to dry completely. Then it can be removed with the vacuum hose attachment.  The vinegar-baking soda process should be repeated if needed to remove any lingering odors or stains. If possible, the mattress should be exposed to sunlight and fresh air before replacing the bed linens. Ideally, the mattress should be propped on chairs to allow fresh air to circulate as much as possible. 

Diluted rubbing alcohol may be used instead of vinegar for the spray solution.  Strong chemicals such as bleach and ammonia should be avoided.  They will destroy memory foam and corrode mattress innerspring.  Lingering toxins from harsh chemicals can be harmful to your health. The upholstered mattress cover should never be removed for cleaning as it is not washable. This is how to clean a wet mattress the easiest way. But what if you are trying to clean dry urine stains out of a mattress?

Step-By-Step: Cleaning a Fresh Accident

  • Blot dry right away with paper towels
  • Press down firmly to soak up any liquid that seeped under the mattress cover.
  • A hairdryer should be waved over the wet area for 10-20 minutes.
  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water together
    • Diluted Rubbing Alchohol can be substituted if you do not like the smell of Vinegar.
  • Liberally spray the solution over the wet area of the mattress.
    • As little liquid as possible should be used to clean an already-wet mattress.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes and blot dry with more paper towels. 
  • Baking soda is then sprinkled over the entire soiled area to absorb liquids and neutralize odors.
  • Wait 8-10 hours to dry completely.
  • Vacuum Powder up with hose attachment.

How to Clean Dried Urine Stains from a Mattress

Sometimes urine spills have dried before the cleaning process can begin.  Baking soda and vinegar can be used but hydrogen peroxide or borax are often needed to completely remove stains and odors.

Hydrogen peroxide is sprayed on the affected area and blotted dry with paper towels.  The solution is then allowed to air dry on the mattress. Peroxide can bleach or discolor some materials.  Borax is a chemical that is used in some detergents and cleaning products.  The soiled area is dampened with water and sprinkled with borax powder. A brush or cloth is used to rub the borax into a thin paste on the mattress surface.  Once the area is fully dry, the powder residue is removed with a vacuum.  Gloves should be worn when using borax. It can also irritate the eyes and cause health problems if inhaled. 

Removing Mold and Lingering Odors from Mattresses and Furniture

Scented deodorizing products mask unpleasant smells but do not neutralize odors or remove urine stains.  Generous amounts of undiluted vinegar can be sprayed onto the mattress if odors remain after cleaning. The vinegar should penetrate the mattress and sit for 10-20 minutes. Paper towels are then used to blot the area dry.  Baking soda can be sprinkled over the area to neutralize the smell of the vinegar.  The baking soda should be left on the mattress for 8-10 hours before being removed with a vacuum. 

Mold spreads very quickly and hides in the spaces within foam mattresses. Once the mold is visible on the surface of the mattress, there are probably much larger amounts within the inner core.  Cleaning mold from mattresses can release mold spores into the air and cause people to become sick from mold toxicity.  The best option is to replace the mattress.  

Professional cleaners may be able to restore mattresses that have become soiled. They may use hot steam or special high-power UV lights to kill germs and remove lingering odors.  Their services are expensive but may cost less than replacing the mattress. 


Wet mattresses can cause lingering odors and health threats if they are not cleaned and completely dried right away.  Spilled water and beverages can often be cleaned easily.  Bedwetting is more challenging because urine encourages mold growth and attracts bugs. Mattresses that become wet from groundwater floods or sewage problems should be discarded straight away.  Mattresses that remain wet for more than 48 hours are generally not salvageable. SaniSnooze offers a tool to help with bedwetting for all ages. Our Care Mattresses are 100% waterproof and encased in a vinyl membrane cover to ensure the mattress stays clean. Shop our Cloud Mattress for clean cooling comfort. 

What are the Differences Between Hospital Beds & Home Hospital Beds

Hospital beds are no longer limited to nursing homes and hospitals. To manage chronic health conditions, many patients require hospital beds at home. They are useful tools for keeping loved ones secure and comfortable during times of illness or recuperation. There are numerous variations available, each with its own set of features. One of the most important decisions is whether to purchase the same bed used in the hospital or a hospital bed adapted for home-usage.


Hospital bed features

These beds are specifically built to satisfy the demands of patients and hospital employees. For comfort and therapy, the back and knee parts can be adjusted, and the entire bed frame can be elevated and lowered as needed. Upper and lower side rails that are large and bulky are automatically integrated. The controls for adjusting the bed are positioned on the inside and outside of the side rails. Several types of pressure relief mattresses are available, including those with reduced air loss and lateral rotation. Some hospital beds, such as the Hillrom TotalCare, can help the patient transfer to a sitting position during mealtimes.


Hospital beds at home

Home hospital beds contain many of the same features as traditional hospital beds, but they are better suited for those who live at home or in assisted living facilities. Full electric beds offer adjustable back and knee parts and the ability to raise and lower the bed frame. The rotating pivot frame of the Med-Mizer ActiveCare SafeTurn bed allows the patient to be moved from a flat to a seated position at the touch of a button. It also contains a stand assist mechanism that assists the patient in rising and exiting the bed.

The build typically have a basic frame that can handle a 36” x 80” mattress, with larger alternatives available for bariatric patients. The Invacare BAR600 bariatric bed features a 42″ wide sleep surface and can support individuals weighing up to 600 lbs. The Med-Mizer CC803 Retractabed’s frame may be modified to either 39″ or 42″ wide. This gives patients more room to roll over for back rubs or linen changes.

Home hospital beds are made to look as much like regular beds as possible. Sleek designs and diverse forms of head and footboards resemble bedroom furniture and can be incorporated into any decor. Side rails and assist bars are small and take up little room on either side of the bed.

Adjustable high-low beds are specifically intended for people who live at home or in long-term care settings. The Invacare Carroll CS7 Hi-Low bed has a bed frame that is only 7″ above the floor. This is useful for patients who may roll out of bed or attempt to get up without asking for help.

Different Mattress Styles

For home hospital beds, a wide range of mattress alternatives is available to provide comfort, redistribute pressure, and maintain the patient’s posture. For incontinent individuals, SaniSnooze mattresses are fluid-resistant and hypoallergenic. MedMattress Care mattresses are made of high-density supportive memory foam and include multiple zones for patients who are at low, moderate, or high risk for pressure sores. For patients who are at high risk of skin disintegration, the powered Span America Protocol mattresses provide alternating pressure and powered flotation treatment alternatives. Before purchasing therapeutic mattresses, patients and caregivers should contact physicians and wound care professionals.

Homecare Hospital Beds Offers Delivery & Maintenance

Hospital beds are huge and heavy, and they cannot be disassembled for delivery. Hospital entrances are built to allow 37″ – 40″ wide beds to pass through. When new healthcare beds arrive, they are inspected and scheduled for regular preventative maintenance. Hospitals have teams of biomedical technicians and manufacturer-provided extended service programs. The head and footboards of home hospital beds are designed to be removable from the frame for shipping and installation. Regular healthcare beds cannot be dismantled for delivery and will not fit through 32″ – 36″ wide home entrances. To fit through residential doorways, the entire bed must be turned on its side and placed on a dolly. This can harm the bed structure, electronics, and side rails. The hydraulic mechanism in the Hillrom TotalCare hospital bed should not be turned on its side.

At the time of purchase, refurbished hospital beds could be 10 to 20 years old. They normally come with a one-year warranty that only covers any replacement parts that may be required. The service must be conducted by certified biomedical technicians, and the consumer is responsible for all labor costs. The majority of technicians work for hospital systems, and only a handful are accessible to give in-home repair services, particularly for the Hillrom TotalCare bed. The cost of the parts and service will almost certainly exceed the cost of the bed itself.

New home hospital beds are less expensive than refurbished hospital beds and come with manufacturer warranties. The structure of an Invacare bed is covered by a 5-year warranty, while the mechanical and electrical parts are covered by a 2-year warranty. The mechanical guarantee on Med-Mizer beds is 15 years, with a 2-year warranty on the driving system and a 1-year warranty on the hand pendant. At the time of purchase, cost-effective service contracts are also available.

Key Takeaways

Modern home hospital beds assist caretakers and loved ones in maintaining their safety, comfort, and independence. They have many of the same features as traditional hospital beds, but they are meant to be installed and used at home by patients and carers. However, selecting the best home care bed might be difficult. They must be comfortable for the patient while also protecting them from injuries and allowing caretakers to assist them as needed.

There are numerous mattress options available for home hospital beds. Patients at low to moderate risk of skin breakdown are most likely to utilize high-density foam mattresses. Immobile patients with existing pressure ulcers require advanced air mattresses with low air loss therapy, alternating pressure, and lateral rotation mattresses.

HomeCare Hospital Beds professionals are standing by to assist patients and caregivers in selecting the beds and mattresses that are best suited to their needs. Before purchasing a hospital bed for home usage, it is critical to consult with a doctor about your individual needs.

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Your Complete Guide to Mobility Aids – How to Select the Best Mobility Aid for You

What are Mobility Aids?


Mobility aids are devices to help people move around more easily. They include canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters. Many different types of mobility aids are available to help people enjoy greater freedom and independence. People that need a mobility aid are usually older adults or people with injuries or disabilities. Some mobility aids are designed to be used during recovery from injury while others may be used for long periods of time. The type of mobility aid required depends on the person’s individual health needs.  

Mobility aids are generally divided into 3 categories:

  • Minimal assistance for people who feel a little unsteady when walking
  • Moderate assistance for people who need support to walk 
  • Maximum assistance for people who are unable to walk



Minimal Assistance Mobility Aids

Canes can be used to help support balance or minimize weight bearing on an injured leg. They help reduce the effort needed to walk around so people do not tire out as quickly. People can use canes to help prevent falls if they feel a little unsteady on their feet. They can also help people feel more comfortable navigating through crowded rooms.

Most canes are adjustable in order to be the correct height for the user. Most people use canes with a single rubber tip. Offset canes provide a straight hand grip that is more comfortable for people with arthritis. Folding canes can fit in tote bags or under seats, making them ideal for travel. Quad canes have 4 feet on the end of the cane. This provides a wider base and more stability for people with poor balance.



Moderate Assistance Mobility Aids

Walkers and rollators provide more support than canes. They provide stability for people who have poor balance or weak legs.  Walkers can support some bodyweight while standing or walking. It is very important to choose the right type of walker in order to prevent falls or injuries. 

Standard walkers are well suited for people who are too unsteady to use a cane.  Some people use standard walkers instead of crutches because they need a more stable base for each step.  Some standard walkers have 2 wheels that allow the walker to be pushed forward rather than lifted with each step. The walker stays in place because the person’s body weight is placed on the two back legs with each step.

Rollator walkers have 3 or 4 swivel wheels and a convenient built-in seat.  Rollators are for people who have good balance and only need a little support for walking. Rollator walkers have brakes on the handles and they roll freely unless the brake handles are squeezed.  People must have the strength to squeeze the brakes to safely use rollator walkers.  Rollator walkers are not recommended for people who may not always remember how and when to use the brakes. 

Power scooters are designed for people who need to conserve their energy or cannot walk long distances. They are ideal for shopping and errands because storage baskets are easily mounted to the front section.  Unlike power wheelchairs, most mobility scooters can be taken apart to fit into the trunk of a car for travel.



Maximum Assistance Mobility Aids 

Wheelchairs are helpful for people who can only take a few steps before needing to rest or have difficulty walking long distances.  Manual wheelchairs are designed to be self-propelled by the user or pushed by a companion or caregiver. They are available with a wide variety of colors and features. Standard wheelchairs have large rear wheels so they can be propelled by the user or a companion. Transport wheelchairs have small rear wheels and are designed to be pushed by a caregiver or companion.  They have lightweight folding frames that can fit into the trunk of a vehicle or storage space. 

Power wheelchairs increase independence and quality of life for people who are unable to walk. They allow people with weak arm and leg muscles to move around without relying on a companion to push a manual wheelchair.  Power wheelchairs are available in a wide variety of configurations for indoor and outdoor use. Joystick controls help people navigate easily through tight spaces.  Modern models feature long-lasting batteries for daily living and social activities.



To summarize, mobility aids help people with disabilities maintain their self-confidence, freedom, and independence. They allow people to participate in social interactions and daily activities of living that would not otherwise be possible.  Many options are available with various features for people of all ages.  Canes can be helpful for people who are a little unsteady while walkers provide more support with each step.  Scooters enable people to conserve their energy while shopping or traveling. Manual and power wheelchairs are required by people who are unable to walk.  

It is important for people to get expert advice from medical professionals before purchasing mobility aids. Doctors and physical therapists can help select people select the most appropriate mobility aids and ensure that they are used correctly. 

If you have any doubts on which mobility aid is best for you, please contact our HomeCare Hospital Beds team so we can help you make the right choice. Call us today at 877-414-0002 or email us at info@homecarehospitalbeds.com.

Informative Advantages of Shower Transfer Benches – Why Put a Bench in The Shower?

1. What is a Transfer Bench? 


Bathing is essential for skin care and comfort but it is also one of the most dangerous activities of daily living. Shower or tub transfer benches are ideal for people who are at risk of falling due to weakness, fatigue or poor balance. They are also helpful to assist recovery after a stroke or hip fracture. 


A transfer bench allows people to remain seated while transferring in and out of the shower or bathtub. Two of the legs are placed inside the tub while the other two legs are placed on the bathroom floor. The bench crosses over the bathtub wall, eliminating the need to climb in and out. Once in the tub, the bench provides a secure place to sit while showering. 


The transfer bench should be placed so that the user is facing the shower head. A handheld shower head should be used with the bench. This way you can control the direction of the water and rinse your body fully without standing up.  You can also control the shower spray at the handle without having to reach for the wall controls. 


The Drive Medical Padded Seat Transfer Bench has a cushioned seat and backrest. It provides both support and comfort to help keep you safe while bathing. 

Drive Medical Padded Seat Transfer Bench
Drive Medical Padded Seat Transfer Bench


2. Transfer Bench Vs. Shower Chair


Transfer benches are wider than shower chairs so that they can straddle the tub wall. Your body is fully supported when entering and exiting the tub. Shower chairs allow you to stay seated while bathing but they cannot help you get in and out of the tub. Transfer benches are larger than shower chairs but knock-down models are easily taken apart for storage. 


Transfer benches are available in various widths. It is important to measure the bathroom to make sure that there is enough room for the transfer bench. The bench must be able to sit flat on the floor with enough room for you to safely sit down, stand up, and slide across into the tub. 


Like shower chairs, transfer benches should be made from corrosion-resistant materials that are easy to clean. Aluminum frames provide more support than plastic and will not rust. Solid plastic seats have drain holes to prevent mold or mildew from water build-up. 


The Drive Medical Tub Transfer Bench has a 26” wide seat on a 32” wide base.  This A-frame design is stable and strong. The durable blow-molded plastic seat and backrest are durable and easy to clean.

Drive Medical Plastic Tub Transfer Bench
Drive Medical Plastic Tub Transfer Bench


3. What Should I Look for in a Shower Chair? 


Some main features to consider are that tub floors are typically slightly higher than bathroom floors. Adjustable height legs are important so that all four legs can be placed firmly flat on the floor. The two legs inside the tub are adjusted to a shorter height than the two on the bathroom floor.  


The transfer bench should also be adjusted so that the seat is an appropriate height for the user. You should be able to sit without straining your joints or dropping onto the seat.  


Transfer benches should be reversible to accommodate any bathroom configuration. Suction cups prevent the bench from slipping on wet bathroom and tub floors. The bench must stay in place when sitting down and standing up to prevent serious injury. A backrest provides comfort and support for the upper body during bathing. It eliminates the risk of falling backwards during bathing and conserves energy to prevent falls after bathing. 


The Drive Medical Folding Sliding Transfer Bench slides left and right along a frame for smooth movement in and out of the tub. It weighs just 16 lbs and folds flat for storage.

Drive Medical Folding Sliding Transfer Bench
Drive Medical Folding Sliding Transfer Bench

4. What about the Shower Curtain? 


Transfer benches straddle the bathtub wall, making it difficult to fit the shower curtain in place. Water can spray onto the bathroom floor and cause a fall after getting out of the tub. 


The Drive Medical Splash Defense Transfer Bench with Curtain Guard Protection has a unique U-shaped cut-out design that helps keep the bathroom floor dry. The shower curtain fits into the slot so that all of the water drips into the tub. The A-frame construction provides stability and the reversible design accommodates any bathroom configuration. 

Drive Medical Splash Defense Transfer Bench with Curtain Guard Protection

Drive Medical Splash Defense Transfer Bench with Curtain Guard Protection

5. Safety Tips for Shower Chairs


The transfer bench should be tested before each use to make sure that it is level and stable. A wobbly, uneven bench could lead to serious injury. A brightly colored towel can be placed on the bench seat to help people with limited sight or poor depth perception.  


The transfer bench should be rinsed off after each use to remove any residual soap or conditioner. It is a good idea to dry the bench with a towel or soft cloth to avoid damage from water build-up. 


The weight capacity must be taken into account to ensure that the bench can safely support the user. Most transfer benches have a weight capacity of 300-400 lbs. The Drive Medical Bariatric Transfer Bench can hold users who weigh up to 500 lbs. The 26.5” wide solid plastic seat is supported by an extra strong metal frame.


*Consultation with a physician is essential before selecting and using transfer bench or shower chairs*


Drive Medical Bariatric Transfer Bench
Drive Medical Bariatric Transfer Bench

Final Thoughts


Bathing is a necessity of life but getting in and out the bathtub can be very dangerous. Wet floors and poor balance can lead to falls and life-threatening injuries. Transfer tub benches can allow safe, independent bathing, especially when they are used with a hand-held showerhead. 


If you have any doubts on which transfer bench is best for you, please contact our HomeCare Hospital Beds team so we can help you make the right choice.

Call us today toll free at 877-414-0002 or email us at info@homecarehospitalbeds.com.


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5 Important Things to Know about Patient Lifts

11 Types of Manual Wheelchairs

What Are The Best Quality Home Hospital Beds?

A home hospital bed can be one of the important purchases you will ever make. Home hospital beds are available with many different features to meet the needs of loved ones and caregivers.

Features such as extended length and added width allow occupants to be much more comfortable in bed. Bed frames that can be raised to appropriate working height can protect caregivers from back injuries.

We have narrowed down our top-rated hospital beds to keep loved ones happy and safe at home. Here are our top picks for the best home hospital beds.


Best Budget Hospital Bed For Home

Medline MedLite Hi-Lo Full Electric Hospital Bed $958.50

Medline MedLite Hi-Lo Full Electric Hospital Bed without mattress

The Medline MedLite bed features premium Linak motors for smooth reliable movement. For the price, it offers numerous features. The heavy-duty hand pendant is easy to use and fluid-resistant. The mattress deck can be lowered to 9.5” above the floor to protect occupants from injury if they roll out of the bed. 

Medline MedLite Hi-Lo Full Electric Hospital Bed with mattress

Smooth rolling 3” casters allow caregivers to easily reposition the bed in the room. Two casters have top-activated brakes to prevent the bed from rolling out of position. The head section, foot section and bed height can be manually adjusted in case of power failure.


The recessed headspring supports and foot assembly reduce the risk of pinched fingers. The frame has three coats of enamel with a clear protective coating to resist chips and scratches.


Top Features:

  • Cost-effective adjustable height bed
  • Heavy-duty hand pendant is moisture-resistant
  • 450 lb weight capacity with lifetime bed frame warranty


Best Mid-Range Home Hospital Bed

Invacare ETUDE HC Hi-Low Hospital Bed Set  $1,448

Invacare ETUDE HC Hi-Low Hospital Bed Set

The Invacare Etude HC bed features built-in dual height brackets that allow the mattress deck to be lowered to just 7.8” off the floor. The mattress deck can be raised to 26.5” high to help protect caregivers from back strain. 


The mattress frame can also tilt lengthwise up to 11 degrees with either the head or foot in the raised position. 


Caregivers can disable any portion of the hand pendant control if needed. This will prevent accidental adjustments to the bed position, especially when the head of the bed must remain elevated at all times.   

Invacare ETUDE HC Hi-Low Hospital Bed Set Pendant

Shear Management Technology is an important feature of the Etude HC bed. The occupant’s head and upper body are positioned to prevent sliding down towards the foot of the bed. For users who require a longer bed, 4” and 8” extension kits are available. Smooth roll 3” swivel caster wheels allow caregivers to easily reposition the bed in the room.


 Toe brakes on the casters keep the bed securely in place. The Etude HC folds for storage or it can be taken apart into several pieces that weigh less than 52 lbs. A convenient adapter kit is available to transport and store the bed when not in use.  

Invacare ETUDE HC Hi-Low Hospital Bed Set folded

Top Features:

  • Bed frame can be lowered to 7.8” from the floor or 26.5” high 
  • Entire bed frame can tilt lengthwise so the head or foot is raised
  • Shear Management Technology protects skin from friction injuries


Our Favorite Hospital Bed for Home

Med-Mizer CC803 Retractabed Bed $1,975

Med-Mizer CC803 Retractabed Bed frame only

The Med-Mizer Retractabed has a unique retracting frame that pulls towards the wall when the head of the bed is elevated. This allows the occupant to easily reach personal items while sitting up in the bed. 


This feature also reduces the area required in the room for the bed, making more space for equipment such as walkers and wheelchairs. Built-in bumpers on the head and footboards protect walls from damage.  

Med-Mizer CC803 Retractabed Bed with people

The Med-Mizer Retractabed frame width can be adjusted from 35 to 39 to 42 inches wide with the touch of a button.  This provides more space for occupants to roll over in bed or make room for beloved pets to share the bed. A 4” extension kit is available for occupants who require a longer bed as well. 


The Clinical-Contour feature helps position the occupant’s body to prevent sliding to the foot when the head of the bed is raised.  This helps protect the skin and soft tissues from shear injuries.


The Med-Mizer hand pendant features backlit buttons for easy operation during the night. Caregivers can disable any portion of the hand pendant control if needed.  An optional control panel can be mounted to the bed frame for use by caregivers only.  


The Evac Position narrows the Med-Mizer Retractabed frame so that it can fit through door openings that are less than 36 inches wide. The frame can be also folded into an upright storage position without having to take the bed apart.  The bed can be rolled while in the folded position to take up only 4 square feet of floor space in the storage area.   

Med-Mizer CC803 Retractabed Bed folded up

Top Features:

  • Bed frame width can be adjusted to 35 to 39 to 42 inches with the touch of a button
  • Bed frame retracts when the head is elevated to take up less space in the room
  • Clinical-Contour feature protects skin from friction injuries
  • Made in the USA


Final Thoughts

Overall, these home hospital bed features can maximize comfort and safety for occupants. They can also help protect caregivers from incapacitating back injuries. 

The wide variety of options can be overwhelming. Our HomeCare hospital bed experts can answer your questions and help you select the bed that best meets your needs.

HomeCare Hospital Beds offers many options for at home care whether it be hospital beds, hospital bed mattresses or other home care accessories.

If you would like additional help or reassurance that your choice is best suited for you or your patient, check out our hospital bed  Buying Guide or give us a call at 877-414-0002!



5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Hospital Bed for Home Care

5 Benefits of Having a Hospital Bed at Home


Sit to Stand Lift: What you Need to Know

If you or a loved one needs assistance getting up from a seated position, a sit to stand lift is essential.

Whether it’s a Power or Manual lift, it is a must-have for daily activities like bathing, dressing and moving from a seated position. Here is what you need to know about sit to stand lifts.


What is a Sit to Stand Lift? 



Invacare Get-U-Up Hydraulic Stand-Up Lift
Invacare Get-U-Up Hydraulic Stand-Up Lift


Sit to Stand Lifts are designed to assist patients who have some mobility but need help to rise from a sitting position. 


They allow caregivers to easily move patients from one seated surface to another. The patient’s feet are placed securely on the platform and leg supports prevent the knees from bending.  


A sling is placed around the patient’s body and the patient grabs onto the grab bars. The Sit-to-Stand lift helps the patient to rise from the seated position but does not support the patient’s entire body weight.



Who can use Sit to Stand Lifts?


Invacare Roze Stand-Up Lift
Invacare Roze Stand-Up Lift


Several criteria are used to determine if a person is able to use a Sit to Stand Lift. These include:


  • Being able to sit up unassisted at the side of the bed
  • Supporting at least partial body weight while standing
  • Holding onto the lift with at least one hand
  • Good head and neck strength
  • Following basic directions


Transfer slings can be used for cooperative patients with minimal weight-bearing ability. Full body lifts should be considered for patients who are uncooperative or unable to bear any of their own weight. 


Power Options


Invacare Reliant 350 Stand-Up Lift with Powered Base
Invacare Reliant 350 Stand-Up Lift with Powered Base

Manual Sit to Stand lifts with levers and hydraulic pumps are affordable and lightweight but not well suited for caregivers with limited strength.


Powered Sit to Stand lifts use rechargeable batteries and require virtually no effort from the caregiver. 


Caregivers can adjust the base with a manual lever or electronic controls depending on the model. Powered bases are more expensive but easier for caregivers to use, especially for bariatric patients.  


Features and Benefits


Invacare ISA XPlus Stand Assist Lift
Invacare ISA XPlus Stand Assist Lift

Sit-to-Stand Lifts are available with many types of options to meet the needs of patients and caregivers. 


Obstruction sensors automatically stop movement of the lift if the patient or caregiver gets in the way.  

Adjustable leg supports accommodate patients of various heights. Ergonomic handles allow patients and caregivers to maintain safe, comfortable grips during transfers. 


Low bases are designed to fit easily underneath beds. Curved base legs allow the lift to fit around commodes and large wheelchairs. Removable foot plates allow the patient to walk with supervision after being helped to stand. 



Transport Devices
Hoyer HSA400 Manual Stand-Aid
Hoyer HSA400 Manual Stand-Aid

Some Manual Stand-Aids are designed to transport patients who can bear their own weight and require minimal assistance to stand. The patient grasps the middle bar and pulls up to a standing position. 


An angled split seat swings into place for the patient to lean against during transport. No sling is needed. The compact, lightweight design allows caregivers to easily push the patient through narrow spaces. 


 A lift aid with a sling should be used for patients who require more than minimal assistance to stand. 



The physician and therapy team must be consulted before choosing a patient lift and sling.  Training is required to use lifts safely to prevent injury to patients and caregivers.


Final Thoughts


We hope you can get to answers most of the questions you have about sit to stand lifts. At HomeCare Hospital Beds we want to help you make an informed decision. 


If you have any doubts on which sit to stand lift is best for you, please contact our HomeCare Hospital Beds team so we can help you make the right choice.

Call us today toll free at 877-414-0002 or email us at info@homecarehospitalbeds.com.


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5 Considerations when selecting a wheelchair