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Improving Quality of Life With Parkinson’s Disease

Affecting an estimated 1 million Americans and 10 million people worldwide, Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects movement. Common symptoms include tremors, muscle stiffness, slow movement, and impaired balance. While living with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging, there are many assistive devices that can help you maintain and even improve your quality of life. Keep reading to find out more about how they can be used to help you prevent falls and maintain your independence. 


Getting dressed

Dressing aids like the Vive Health Hip & Knee Recovery Kit can make your morning routines much easier. Even though this kit was originally designed for people who have limited mobility due to surgery or injury, it is ideal for people with Parkinson’s disease as well. The dressing stick allows you to put on pants and underwear without having to bend over at the waist. You can also use the stick to draw a shirt or jacket along your arm and over your shoulder. Then you can use the sock assist and extra long shoe horn to put on your footwear. If you drop any items of clothing on the floor, you can pick them up easily with the 32” rotating reacher. 



Getting up from a chair is a struggle for many people with Parkinson’s disease due to poor balance and delayed muscle action. A power lifting recliner is a good option to maintain your independence and prevent falls. With the simple push of a button on the hand control, you can be gently lowered into the seat or raised to a standing position. When you are seated in the chair, you can adjust the recline angle and extend the foot rest so that you feel comfortable and supported. The VivaLift! Radiance power lifting recliner even has integrated heating pads for the back and legs to help ease the muscle stiffness that is so common with Parkinson’s disease. 


Bathroom safety

When it comes to preventing falls and injuries in the home, the bathroom is the most important room to make necessary changes. For starters, wall-mounted grab bars are essential for people with poor balance, particularly in the tub/shower area. Next, a raised toilet seat with arms will make it easier for you to answer the call of nature. Finally, a shower chair provides a secure area to sit in a slippery shower or bathtub. Be sure to pick one like the Vive Health Shower Chair that has a backrest and arms for security and support. 


Getting around

Sometimes Parkinson’s disease affects balance and coordination to the point where you might need an assistive device for walking. If you are having a little trouble getting around, you might consider getting a cane as part of balance training with a therapist. As an example, the Vive Health Folding Cane has a non-slip rubber tip, a contoured hand grip, and an adjustable height. If your balance is poor, however, a walker or rollator is likely needed for more support. Standard 2-wheeled walkers provide the most support while rollators feature large wheels and integrated seats for comfort. You should definitely work with your doctor or therapist to choose the best mobility aid and make sure that you use it correctly. 


Final thoughts

Parkinson’s disease presents many physical challenges that can negatively impact quality of life and independence. Fortunately, assistive devices and equipment can help you remain as active and productive as possible. Trying to find just the right recliner or shower chair can be a challenge, though, so the HomeCare Hospital Beds team of experts is ready to help! For more information, call us today at 877-414-0002 or email us at info@homecarehospitalbeds.com.

 **The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are having a severe and sudden change in physical or mental health, please call 911, contact a local emergency facility or consult with your doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider, and never disregard the advice given because of information you have received from our website.**