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Shipping & returns

Shipping & Return Policy

We are proud to offer free shipping on all our products within the contiguous United States. We partner with only the most reputable shipping and freight companies so that your products are delivered in a timely and appropriate fashion. Expedited shipping is available on most non-freight products for an additional cost.

Order Processing

After we receive your order, we’ll send you an order confirmation email with all the details of your purchase. Within 1-2 business days you’ll receive a shipping confirmation. We’ll include tracking information so that you can follow your order from start to finish. For any questions or problems with your shipments, please don’t hesitate to call us at (877) 414-0002.

Order Cancellation

If you’d like to cancel an order that hasn’t shipped, please call us as soon as possible at (877) 414-0002. Orders cancelled after they have been shipped will incur our standard restock fee of 10% on items coming via standard UPS or FedEx, and 25% for items coming via Freight Delivery. Custom orders can not be canceled once the bed is in production.

Returns & Exchanges Policy

What if my order arrives damaged?

Our products are well-packaged to prevent damage during shipping. If an item appears damaged or if parts are missing, please call us at (877) 414-0002 or email us at CustomerService@HomeCareHospitalBeds.com and we will assist you right away!
If your large shipment is arriving via freight, or if you have requested inside delivery or setup, please note the important instructions below:
  • Even if your package appears only slightly damaged, write “Package Damaged” on the delivery receipt when you sign for delivery. This is VERY important. If damage is not noted you may be responsible for additional charges, or we may not be able to send you replacements under warranty.
  • If the package looks significantly damaged, please refuse delivery. The damaged package will be returned to us and we will contact you for next steps after it is received. If you refuse delivery, please notify us so that we can expect the return shipment.
  • If you have already accepted the package and find that parts are missing, damaged, or not working, please contact us right away. Speed matters since most carriers only accept freight claims in the first 48 hours after delivery. Please take photographs documenting the damage and the exterior packaging and email them to customerservice@homecarehospitalbeds.com.

What if my item is defective, or doesn’t work correctly?

We offer a 1-year limited warranty on most items, which covers manufacturer defects. No matter what, we guarantee a speedy and fair resolution to all warranty claims. Please call us at (877) 414-0002 or email us at CustomerService@HomeCareHospitalBeds.com with any warranty questions or claims.
If your item is defective, HomeCare Hospital Beds at its option may:

  • Replace parts
  • Hire a local technician to diagnose and repair issues on-site
  • Issue a shipping label to send your unit in for repair off-site

In extreme circumstances, we may replace the unit entirely, or issue a credit in the event an item cannot be repaired or replaced. However, such cases are rare. Most warranty issues can be resolved using more expedient measures.

How do I return my order?

Please call us at (877) 414-0002 or email us at CustomerService@HomeCareHospitalBeds.com with any return requests within 2 weeks of delivery. We will give a Return Authorization (RMA) number and return address. (Please note that some items, including mattresses and beds, are non-returnable in most cases.) Returns made outside of this return window or without authorization from our customer service department will not be eligible for refund.

All returned products must be new in the original packaging. Unfortunately, returns cannot be issued for products that have been used, assembled, or modified.

Return the items using your preferred shipping method to the address you are provided. This may be at our main office or to a distribution center. (If you need any assistance arranging return freight, we are happy to help! Call or email us for freight and packaging quotes.)

Please make sure your items are packaged correctly to ensure no damage during transit. Items that arrived damaged may be refused and shipped back to you at your expense, or your credit may be reduced to cover the cost of any needed repairs.

Save your return tracking number and email it to us so we can track the return. It is important that you save the tracking number and that you insure the return package in case there are any issues during transit.
Please Note: Unless the return is due to an error on our part, we cannot refund shipping and handling charges. There may also be restocking fees assessed by the manufacturer. We will issue a credit to the credit card used for the original purchase after receipt of the returned items.

Please note that it may take up to 8 weeks after the items are returned for the refund to be issued to your card.

What if I want to exchange my items for different items?

In most circumstances we will need to process the exchange in two parts: return, and new order. Please follow the return instructions above for the return portion of an exchange. To receive a new item, unless instructed otherwise by a HomeCare Hospital Beds representative, you will need to place a new order. You would then be credited for the returned item after we receive it back.

*All returned products must be in original condition and packaging. Unfortunately, we cannot take returns of products that have been used, assembled or modified.

*Mattresses and Flex A Beds cannot be returned because neither we, nor our suppliers can take them back. If you have any questions about whether a product can be returned, please call us.